1.   During a recent trip to Washington, President Ernesto Perez Balladares of Panama appealed personally to Helms to change his mind.

2.   Earlier, Annan appealed personally to Aziz to suspend the expulsion of the Americans until the U.N. envoys leave Iraq, according to The Associated Press.

3.   Fazio said he had personally appealed to Livingston to change his mind.

4.   Last fall, Clinton personally appealed to the leaders of Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, and Syria to cut off aid to Hamas.

5.   Neither side spoke again until Tuesday, when Rowland personally appealed to Marquardt, calling the executive to his office to break the stalemate.

6.   President Clinton personally appealed for him to stay.

7.   President Clinton appealed personally to President Boris Yeltsin for the first time on Monday in urging the Russian leader to find a peaceful settlement to the conflict in Chechnya.

8.   Some GOAL members and other church activists have personally appealed to Bartholomew to oust Spyridon.

9.   Two days later, when the king visited Clinton to appeal personally for debt relief and military assistance, the President was ready for him.

10.   Pope John Paull II had personally appealed to Bush not to permit research, but Vatican officials had no comment Friday.

d. + appeal >>共 243
also 29.09%
still 3.61%
again 3.16%
repeatedly 3.03%
immediately 2.89%
successfully 2.66%
not 2.30%
now 2.26%
then 2.26%
probably 2.08%
personally 1.13%
personally + v. >>共 644
take 5.33%
know 2.79%
intervene 2.54%
be 2.23%
meet 1.86%
deliver 1.58%
oppose 1.38%
order 1.30%
think 1.27%
lobby 1.27%
appeal 0.70%
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